A village school at the heart of a thriving city



The school operates using a number of different policies. Copies of all policies can be obtained from the school office. Alternatively, click on one of the links below to access policy information.

Statutory Policies 

Accessibility Plan

Behaviour and Motivation

Code of Conduct

Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and other Staff in Southampton

ECT Policy

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023

Privacy Notice Workforce

Safeguarding Children Policy & Guidelines

Teacher’s Appraisal Policy

Admissions 2024 – 2025

Admissions 2023 – 2024

Capability Procedure Support Staff

Complaints Procedure

Disciplinary Procedure

Equality and Diversity Statement

Grievance Procedure

Primary PE and Sports Premium Funding

Policy Statement on Governors Allowances and Expences

SEN Information Report

Attendance Policy

Charging and Remissions

Data Protection

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy

Exclusion Policy

G-Suite Education Notice for Parents

Privacy Notice – Pupils

PSHE (including RSE)

Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Policy