A village school at the heart of a thriving city


PE and sports funding

In April 2013 the Government announced new funding of 150 million for Physical Education (PE) and Sport often referred to as the Sport Premium. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on PE and Sports provision in schools. 

The purpose of this funding is to create and maintain a high quality environment for the delivery and participation of physical education. The route can be decided by each individual school to suit their personal requirements. Longevity of spending decisions is key; with funding leading to improved and increased provision for current cohorts, as well as those in years to come.

At Swaythling Primary School, we have used the funding to ensure that our children have the strongest ‘quality first teaching’ provision. This means that money is spent in a purposeful way to develop teaching capacity and enrich the curriculum. We are committed to delivering consistently high quality PE provision for all our children to enable them to improve their health, fitness, welfare and wellbeing, their understanding of sport, teamwork and citizenship. We also promote an inclusive ethos, where all pupils enjoy participating in sport; empowering them to become the best they can be.

Primary PE and
Sports Premium Funding