A village school at the heart of a thriving city


Swaythling Curriculum


*** This Page is currently undergoing updates***

Click on the boxes below to see how our learning is organised for this academic year. For English and Maths learning, please see each individual year group. 

Year R

Year 3





Year 1

Year 4

Year 6





Year 2

Year 5

Handwriting Policy




At Swaythling Primary School we believe that all children have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which enables them to:

  • Understand the relevance and purpose of learning;
  • Experience understanding and progress that makes children proud and excited about their achievement.

We have a strong ethos of teaching thinking skills, and throughout your child’s time at the school, we will deliver the Curriculum in a way that encourages the children to think critically, creatively and deeply, and to develop the communication skills which enable them to share their ideas to a variety of audiences.

We also have a commitment to ensuring that the pressure of attaining good results in basic skills does not detract from the children’s right to experience a curriculum that is an enriching cultural experience, so during their time with us, your children will have the opportunity to experience and participate in:

  • Live theatre (both in theatres and in school)
  • A rich and diverse music programme
  • Reading for pleasure and development of critical appraisal skills
  • A broad range of film and cinema

Although not part of the National Curriculum, schools are also required to teach Religious Education. Our curriculum ensures children acquire the essential skills of Maths and English so they become fluent in the use of spoken language, in reading and writing, and increasingly proficient in the understanding and application of Mathematics.

Much of our teaching of the foundation subjects is done through topic work, enabling children to make links in their learning across subjects. Our aim is to educate the whole child, teaching for academic excellence, but also developing social, moral, social and cultural awareness. We promote independence and resilience, physical skills and an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle to future happiness and success.

Early Years Foundation Stage

We want children to be excited about learning and ready to learn, so our curriculum develops important skills for future learning. It promotes and develops:

The prime areas of:
  • Personal, social and emotional development: making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness, management of feelings and behaviour
  • Communication and language: listening and attention, understanding and speaking
  • Physical development: moving, handling, health and self-care

The specific areas of:
  • Literacy: reading, writing
  • Mathematics: numbers; shape, space and measure
  • Understanding the world: people and communities, the world, technology
  • Expressive arts and design: exploring and using media and materials; being imaginative