A village school at the heart of a thriving city



% Expected Standard + % High Score/Greater depth Average Progress Score
School National School National School National
Reading 73% 75% 14% 28% 0.5 0
Writing 77% 76% 10% 20% -1 0
Mathematics 96% 76% 36% 27% 1.4 0
R/W/M Combined 66% 65% 10% 11%

Average Scaled Scores:

Reading 105
Maths 107

We have very high aspirations of the children who attend our school. Test results are just one way in which success can be viewed. We proudly acknowledge the strongly improving trend of results the children have achieved over the last five years. However, we are even more proud of the rich, exciting curriculum full of music, art, sport, theatre, local history, trips out, after school clubs and other aspects not measured by tests that our children enjoy.

If you would like to make more sophisticated comparisons with how our school performs when compared to other schools locally or nationally, the DfE has provided a very powerful toolkit to do this. Click Here

But, please remember; test results are only one measure of how good a school is – why not come for a visit and take your own view?